Anu Yoga School

Workshops & Special Events

Bhavani Maki


Durango, Colorado

Weekday Immersion, February 18-20

Weekend Immersion, February 21-23

Join for the whole 6-Day, In-mmersion February 18-23


WeekDAY In-mmersion


Jungle Yoga - The Wild and The Holy 

Tuesday, February 18 - Thursday, February 20

8:30 AM-2:30 PM (with lunch break)

WeekEND In-mmersion


Yoga as FUNctional Dynamic Embodiment

Friday, February 21- Sunday, February 23

Schedule + Details Below

Space is limited and we anticipate this filling quickly!

6 Day In-mmersion


6-Day Colorado In-mmersion

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to soak up the teachings and in-mmerse yourself! Join for all 6 days and save! Hours can be used towards Yoga Allaince CE.

This package includes both the weekDAY and weekEND in-mmersion time and dates.

Space is limited and we anticipate this filling quickly!

As space is limited, reserve your spot today!

The drop-in class option will depend on the space available and will open two weeks before the workshop. Email to be notified when it opens.

Weekday Immersion

Jungle Yoga - The Wild and The Holy 

Tuesday, February 18 - Thursday, February 20

8:30 AM-2:30 PM (with lunch break)

Patanjali uses the term Kriya Yoga as the active purification of the physical, mental and emotional bodies. 

Each day we will explore Tapas,  Svadhyaya, and Ishwarapranidhana

Morning Satsanga

8:30-9:30 AM

Ishwarapranidhana - shared devotional practices and rituals of Pranayama, Chanting and meditation

Tapas - Asana class

9:30-11:30 AM

Unconventional exploration of dynamic movement utilizing tensegrity principles that explore movement from the core self.

 This subtle yet profound shift in approach penetrates the physical and subtle bodies in a way that moves energy to uplift and invigorate all of our systems.

Ishwarapranidhana - Sutra Circle

12:30-2:30 PM

An exploration of the indigenous tradition of Yoga through Sutra, myth, Nada Yoga and discussion.  We will dive into the Kaivalya Pada which is all about freedom, and reframes Yoga as a discipline to Yoga as authentic creative license in which there is a loosening of constructs to become a unique stand-alone living work of art.

Venmo, Cash or Check welcome

Contact with questions

Weekend Immersion

Yoga as FUNctional Dynamic Embodiment

Friday, February 21 - Sunday, February 23

Yoga as FUNctional Dynamic Embodiment
Yoga has become synonymous with making shapes with our bodies in which the project is a static ideal. As we pull from the aboriginal wisdom of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra, we are reminded that authentic Yoga is designed to increase our FUNctionality, curiosity, confidence and creativity. This workshop will explore somatic experiencing to awaken the ancient wisdom of our structural, psychological and spiritual bodies as integrated and open new pathways into greater freedom.

Session One: Somatic Experience Based Asana & Sutra Class

Friday, February 21

5-7:15 PM

Restorative Yoga for the Psychonaut

Much like an astronaut, the psycho-naut ventures into the wide unknown of their own consciousness. Yogic posture is the seat from which Yoga begins and is meant to be practiced along with the study of metaphysical texts. Enjoy a restorative practice and pranayama along with the philosophy and Psychology of the Yoga Sutra.

Session Two: Somatic Experience Based Asana

Saturday, February 22

9 AM-Noon

 Sthira & Sukham: Stability and Ease

We are often confused by misuse of terminology. Stability implies our ability to reestablish center via adaptability and resilience. Explore strength through range of motion via a variety of Asana through increased proprioceptive awareness. Hip openers and balancing postures.

Session Three: Sutra Study

Saturday, February 22

2-5 PM

The Mind Waves

Patañjali describes the five types of thought processes to empower the practitioner with an objective perspective of their subjective experience. With a clear understanding of the Vṛtti Aklishtāḥ, what spins our minds, we can unravel patterns of maladaptive conditioning. Revealing the deeper underlying nature of our being as naturally radiant, Patañjali inspires us to proceed with confidence, clarity, and ultimately, effectiveness. We will close the session with Restorative Yoga.

Session Four: Somatic Experience Based Asana

Sunday, February 23


Spinal Extensions & Inversions

Most people hold themselves up thru sheer will. There are two ways a disordered system manages to balance structure: tension or compression. An investigation of new choices and possibilities for functional movement in which we explore intelligent and dynamic functional movement. 

Session Five: Sutra Study

The Five Klesha, or Colors Of The Mind

Sunday, February 23

2-5 PM

According to Sage Patañjali our greatest challenge is our addiction to problems and a tendency to miss the point. Once we understand that all unnecessary suffering has roots in the five root afflictions or Klesha, we appreciate them as opportunities for growth.

Venmo, Cash or Check welcome

Space is limited, reserve your spot today!

Contact with questions

Bhavani Maki

International Yoga teacher and author, Bhāvani Maki, attended her first Yoga class at the age of nine, and began her exploration of Patañjali’s Aṣtānga Yoga in 1987. She founded Aṣtānga Yoga Kaua’i and began teaching in 1995, she opened Kauai's first Yoga Shala, Yoga Hanalei, in 1999 and operated it for 20 years, and has offered Yoga Alliance teacher trainings since 2003. She has been featured in Yoga Journal, taught Yoga at TedMed in Washington DC, recorded classes for YogaDownload and been a main presenter at Wanderlust Yoga Festival. Bhavani has made seven trips to India to study with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, as well as hosted him twice on her home island of Kaua'i. She received her teacher training and authorization from Astānga Yoga Masters Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, South India, and Baba Hari Dass of Hardwar, North India. She studied Samṣkrta in Mysore, South India with Professor Narayanachaya, and regards Rama Jyoti Vernon as integral in her understanding of the Patañjali Yoga Sūtra, and weaving of metaphysical teachings into the practices of Yoga.
Bhāvani is a EYT500 and YACEP provider through Yoga Alliance.

Née Silvia Kazazis, Bhāvani was raised quadrilingual in the milieu of the University of Chicago,  from a multicultural European background and has traveled extensively from a young age. Bhāvani interweaves the insights she has gathered into a holistic exploration of the microcosmic and macrocosmic self. Dedicated to exploring Yoga in its complete expression, her teachings are steeped in the traditions of Patañjali’s classical eight-limbed Yoga, with an emphasis on integrity of alignment and the use of Yoga as a powerful tool for healing.  
Often described as a teacher’s teacher, Bhāvani offers unique insights into discovering greater joy and freedom. She specializes in addressing the individual’s specific needs to develop a practice appropriate to their challenges, physical injuries, and desire for personal growth and transformation. Bhavani believes that that engaging in all the aspects of Yoga is a means of compressed evolution
that uplifts, connects, and accesses the inner source of joy.  

Bhāvani has resided on the island of Kaua’i since 1993, and resides with her husband Ray and son Nikola on their organic permaculture farm. She offers live and online workshops, intensives, mentorship programs and annual teacher training programs at her studio, Kaua'i Yoga Shala, and Yoga workshops on the US mainland and Europe.